Documenting Our Downward Spiral

November 16, 2009 - 11:21 pm No Comments

In an attempt to keep up with our fast and furious descent from Superpower status, here’s the headline just prior to Obama’s historic trip to China (some joke to visit our money!).

China Criticizes U.S. Financial Management During Obama Visit


Wall Street Journal

Regulator says U.S. policy puts global recovery at risk as Obama arrives in Beijing.

So in the past few months, Russia has praised Obama’s decision to abandon the missile defense shield in Poland, and now China is chastising the handling of our economy.  Really?

Also this week, Attorney General Holder (with full support from the White House) decides to bring the 9/11 terrorist mastermind KSM to New York to stand trial in a civilian court.  The main reason stated for this (as opposed to a closed trial in the military courts) is so that the world can witness what a great system we have here — what a fair and just justice system — where even the most hated terrorist in the world, who openly admits to the massacre and to beheading Daniel Pearl, can go through a fair trial.

I will never understand the constant need to justify ourselves to the world.  Have we really looked at who we are trying to impress here?  Did we not originally come here as an attempt to leave all those other “civilizations” behind and start anew? Did we not become the most innovative and free country in a mere 100 years by shunning the old corrupt empire regime ways and creating a new form of government that attempted to be more equitable; that guaranteed certain freedoms from the start (with a few kinks, of course, which are still working themselves out…)

Are not immigrants from around the world still coming here in search of realizing their full potential?  A better life for their families?  More opportunities?  More freedom and security?

We do have a lot of serious issues in this country that need to be addressed.  However, I increasingly feel our leaders are deliberately creating so many new problems so fast and not addressing the fundamentals to improve everyone’s quality of life.

As if all this was not bad enough, on 11/5, we suffered the second worst islamist terrorist attack, in the form of a horrific shooting at Ft. Hood, the largest army base in the world.  13 people are dead and about 40+ wounded.  The gunman was some army doctor turned islamic terrorist who decided to kill as many as possible while shouting praise to Allah!

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